Monday, January 10, 2011

The Universe and how it came to be.

The Big Bang theory explains how our universe came to be. It is said that it began as a small, hot, and dense, lets say "thing",  over 13.7 billion years ago. It has expanded and cooled to what we know of it today. I find it neat to learn about the universe, and it is surprising when you notice just how small we actually are in relation to it, but what was there before this massive mess appeared? What made the universe? It is impossible for us to find this out with the technology today, so for now, we will consider a possibility.

The first thing I think of when I imagine the orgin of the universe is the orgin of me. I know that I came from "stuff" in the solar system, so is it not possible that the universe came from "stuff" as well? It could simply be another universe in a local cluster of universe's. If this were true, we'd be left wondering where those universes came from, and the questions would go on forever. I'm sure many scientists have tried to discover the explanation around the coming of the universe, but it is gonna take ALOT of time and tests to find the true answer. Its quite possible that this information could never be found, and civilization would end up extinct without an explanation as to where everything came from.

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